JPPL,Public Corporation Palic-Ludas
As the manager of the protected areas, will provide extensive knowledge about the natural values of the target area and connection to stakeholders. Renovating the Visitor center Ludaš and creating additional contents for it will provide the means to continuously maintain and present the project results. With help of the respective partners, JPPL will establish the educational anti stress gardens, air spas and nature tracks, which will increase the tourist attraction of the target area. Four persons from JPPL will be included in the project team. Considering their experience in plant sciences, ecology and nature protection (specifically landscape architecture, horticulture and nature preservation) they will contribute to implementation of project activities. Also, their daily activities make them familiar with the designated project area, making them ideally suited to perform field activities. Their previous experience with IPA projects implementation makes their administrative capacity ready for further engagement in IPA cross border projects. The existing infrastructure that includes Ludaš Lake Visitor center provides an excellent starting point and base for project activities.