Category: Partners project role

Roles of all our pertners who make this project a reality.

MFUNS – Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad


MFUNS – Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad The Faculty of Medicine is one of the important University institutions. It covers wide range of research areas, including development and innovations. Among different departments, Department of Pharmacy is a scientific leader at the Faculty, with staff of various profiles (pharmacists, technologists, biologists, chemists, medical doctors)…

JPPL,Public Corporation Palic-Ludas


JPPL,Public Corporation Palic-Ludas As the manager of the protected areas, will provide extensive knowledge about the natural values of the target area and connection to stakeholders. Renovating the Visitor center Ludaš and creating additional contents for it will provide the means to continuously maintain and present the project results. With help of the respective partners,…

SZTE – University of Szeged


SZTE – University of Szeged The University of Szeged is one of Hungary’s leading and internationally ranked higher education institutions. In the University outstanding research, development and innovation work is conducted. The education and research work is internationally competitive, and there is also a broad range of cooperation in both research and training. The research…

ILFE – Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment


ILFE – Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment (ILFE) is the part of University of Novi Sad. Institute was established in 1958. ILFE has 35 employees, from which 18 PhDs in different disciplines (forestry, biology, ecology and biochemistry). ILFE is dealing with biological, ecological and environmental aspects of forest ecosystems…